cjson module

class cjson.Cjson(content: str, is_content_cjson: bool = False)[source]

Bases: Is

Coded JSON is an extended format of JSON formatted data storage, which gives you more previledge to organize data into more structured format.

Here is an example for CJSON format:

    "source": $import "./source.json",
    "target": {
        "fruit": "Apple",
        "size": "Large",
        "color": "Red",
        "secColor": $.target.color,
        "colorList": [ $.target.color, $.target.secColor ],
        // You can add comments like this
        "digitCheck": 1.5,
        "digitImport": $.target.digitCheck,
        "digitArrayImport": [ $.target.digitCheck, $.target.digitImport ]

The above CJSON snipped will be deserialized in JSON format and can be used as same as other JSON files.

For other details, please refer to official page: https://subhendushekhar.github.io/cjson/


Deserializes CJSON context and returns dictionary object in JSON context.

Please Note, if any key is detected for runtime variable injections is replaced with <-tag->. No error/warning is thrown.

To inject runtime variables, use inject function


Deserializes CJSON content and returns content as string.

Content will be of pure JSON content and can be parsed as JSON

inject(injecting_obj: dict)[source]
inject_with_key_value(key: str, value: str)[source]
json: Json | None = None
parse(jpath: str) any[source]
remove(key: str)[source]
replace(jpath: str, value: str)[source]
to_string() str[source]
cjson.is_content_json(content: str, is_file_path: bool = False)[source]

Checks if the parsed content is JSON