
Coded JSON(officially CJSON) is an extended format of JSON formatted data storage, which gives you more previledge to organize data into more structured format.

Here is an example for CJSON format:

   "source": $import "./source.json",
   "target": {
      "fruit": "Apple",
      "size": "Large",
      "color": "Red",
      "secColor": $.target.color,
      "colorList": [ $.target.color, $.target.secColor ],
      // You can add comments like this
      "digitCheck": 1.5,
      "digitImport": $.target.digitCheck,
      "digitArrayImport": [ $.target.digitCheck, $.target.digitImport ]

The above CJSON snipped will be deserialized in JSON format and can be used as same as other JSON files.

For other details, please refer to official page: https://subhendushekhar.github.io/cjson/

CJSON Syntax

CJSON is an enhanced version of JSON file format. But it targets more reusability and structured data storage.

Import multiple JSON files

One of the strong feature which we have introduced is importing CJson/Json files in another CJson file. It works in the similar way, how we import libraries in programming languages. All you need to import it using $import “path/to/target/file” and deserialize the file.

Single/ Multiple line comments

CJSON also supports commented lines by adding // at the start of the line.

Please note, inline comments are not supported. Contributers create an issue [here](https://github.com/users/SubhenduShekhar/projects/7)

Dynamic variable injection

You can inject a variable dynamically also. Instead of replacing a variable value by parsing as gson object, put a key in format <keyToBeReplaced> like below:

   "idValue": <id>

Now create a HashMap with key as <id> and store relevant value in it. While invoking inject function, pass the HashMap as the second parameter.

Indices and tables