Package com.codedjson

Class CJson<T>

  • public class CJson<T>
    extends Decode
    Coded JSON is an extended format of JSON formatted data storage, which gives you more previledge to organize data into more structured format. Here is an example for `CJSON` format:
     "source": $import "./source.json",
     "target": {
     "fruit": "Apple",
     "size": "Large",
     "color": "Red",
     "secColor": $.target.color,
     "colorList": [ $.target.color, $.target.secColor ],
     // You can add comments like this
     "digitCheck": 1.5,
     "digitImport": $.target.digitCheck,
     "digitArrayImport": [ $.target.digitCheck, $.target.digitImport ]
    The above CJSON snipped will be deserialized in JSON format and can be used as same as other JSON files. For other details, please refer to Official Page