Coded Javascript Object Notation

CJSON is a data file format(inspired from JSON), but supports logical expressions too. Having extended language support to NodeJS, Python, Java and DotNet, users has experienced data reusability. For features and examples, please refer to this documentation as base document.

Java TagDotNet TagNPM TagPython Tag
Python Status Java Status NPM Status DotNet Status


Features (v2.0.0 or higher)

Import multiple JSON files

One of the strong feature which we have introduced is importing CJson/Json files in another CJson file. It works in the similar way, how we import libraries in programming languages. All you need to import it using $import "path/to/target/file" and deserialize the file.

Deserializing CJSON/JSON string content

Parsing of CJSON string content is also possible now. You can create CJSON object with a second parameter(specific to language). For language specific details, refer below.

Calling relative keys using JPATH

Unlike XPATH for XML files, we have JPATH for JSON files. But as the drawback of plain data files, we cannot refer any variable inside a json object to another variable. This feature is useful when you have to duplicate the json key, but the value will be pulled from another variable which is already present in the json file.

You can also refer to a variable which will be loaded after importing the file.

Dynamic variable injection

You can inject a variable dynamically also. Instead of replacing a variable value by parsing as gson object, put a key in format <keyToBeReplaced> like below:

    "idValue": <id>

Now create a HashMap with key as <id> and store relevant value in it. While invoking inject function, pass the HashMap as the second parameter.

Single/ Multiple line comments

CJSON also supports commented lines by adding // at the start of the line.

Please note, inline comments are not supported. Contributers create an issue here

Removing key

Any JSON key value pair can be removed by providing its JPath. Please Note, if you use remove before deserialize you will receive UndeserializedCJSON exception.

This is because, unless the content is deserialized, CJSON engine has not processed the CJSON content.

Convert Class Object to JSON String

Any class object can be converted to json string by using toString() function.

It accepts pure class object and returns JSON in string.


Keywords Description
$import To import other json file
$.jpath Refer to a local variable inside JSON
Comments(Single/ Multi-line) //
<key> Expects a dynamic variable